Promoting a career development culture is an essential part of the mission and ethos of BCSF. We aim to support the aspirations of all our students and to ensure that they gain the knowledge, skills and experience they need to make progress and succeed in learning and employment. We believe that effective careers education, information and guidance not only contributes to the well-being of individuals but also to the wellbeing of their families, the communities to which they belong, wider society, businesses and the economy.
Our careers provision consists of the following:
- Work experience - students are given the opportunity to attend one week of work experience in a chosen field, there are also alternative opportunities for students to gain experiences of the workplace
- Weekly careers presentations delivered by a range of professionals from a wide range of aspirational job roles
- University visits and talks
- Careers guidance meetings with impartial careers advisors
- Careers Learning through our personal development curriculum
- Knowledge of how careers links to their a-level subjects delivered in lessons throughout the year
All students are registered to Unifrog & have dedicated sessions throughout the year to use the platform as well as using this outside of lessons. Unifrog enables students to research their options and make informed choices about Higher Education and Apprenticeships with respect to future pathways.
Please click on the links below for further information on the following:
- Higher education & degrees
- Apprenticeships
- Unifrog
- Other useful links
- Work experience
Our Careers Leader is Rebecca Illston. If you have any queries about our careers programme, higher education, work experience or getting involved in our careers programme please contact her on [email protected]

careers ADVICE appointments
If you are a student in year 12 then please wait to be invited for your Careers Advice appointment, you will be notified by email where and when these will take place. If you are currently a student in year 13 & wish to request a Careers Advice appointment, please do so by emailing Ms Illston directly.
On this page we have selected some really useful websites to help you research your career ideas and help you to plan your next steps.

Beauchamp City Sixth Form benefits from having a Lionheart Educational Trust careers advisor who delivers a one-to-one service and works alongside the Advice, Guidance and Progress team to provide a range of services to our students.
Employers & Education Providers
A number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers and employers an opportunity to come into school to speak to pupils and/or their parents/carers.

Work Experience
At Beauchamp City Sixth Form we work in partnership with Leicester Education Business Company (LEBC) to offer all students in Year 12 the opportunity to take part in work experience.
CEIAG Programme
Information on our careers programme of study - tutor time topics, key college events.

Pupil Destination Data
Find out more about our pupil destination after leaving Beauchamp City Sixth Form.
On this page we have selected some really useful websites to help you research your career ideas and help you to plan your next steps.

Careers Contacts